This time we will be having our own theme music....
thanks to our friend SATISH....
Here is the pictures we took during the recording and composing of the music.....
Bhatia, the founder of, who is an Indian (not many knows that), has come up with JaxtrSMS-- the
world's first free mobile texting application, which lets users send
messages to anyone in the world (with a mobile phone!!!!
This app has no SMS limits what so ever....
All you need is internet connection and you can sms all day long for FREE!!!!!
No matter how hard girl cries and how loud she yells, he just sits
there calmly discussing her emotion in terms of mathematical logic.
Engineer touches his car more often than his girl.
Normal people believe that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain’t broke, it doesn’t have enough features yet!
Engineering is like having an 8 a.m. class and a late afternoon lab every day for the rest of ur life.
Engineer don’t really mad when the price of petrol goes up, but mad like a hell when there is mistake in the vector calculation.
Engineers know how to build sports car and jet fighter but they don’t even know how to build relationship with a girl.
Engineer don’t understand things in mathematics, he just get used to them.
Engineer can have Doctor title (Dr.) in front of his name, while Doctor cannot get Engineer title (Ir.) in front of their names.
claim that they were the greenest people ever in this world by created
hybrid engine, but at the same time they hiding the truth that they
makes the world worst by using the battery in the hybrid engine.
People think they are saving the environment with a hybrid car but the
batteries in it can be hazardous to the environment and some electrical
plants pollute.
design road car that can reach speed more than 400km/h while at the same
time they do realised that according to the law the max speed for car
were allowed to go on highway is only 120km/h.
Engineers like to solve problems. If there are no problems handily available, they will create their own problems.
Engineer knows that nothing's ever built to last, but that doesn't mean it's not worth building.
Engineer is someone who is good with figures, but doesn't have the personality of an accountant.
engineers design a feature where the car can auto reposition its seats
towards a best position for an airbag to hug u when crashing. The new
generation line of VW's seatbelts make sure u don’t get cut when they
holding u in while u crashing. These car manufacture’s engineers are
trying very hard to make crashing a bit comfortable. Soon we will be
crashing in class and style!
The working time for engineer is from morning to eternity.
I was mesmerized with this facts i saw HERE and couldn't resist posting it....