Its was a free performance for us by our friends... but sadly, most didnt get recorded..
But, here are some after-effects of the incidentts that happened today...
An average teenage reaction after gettin an funny comment on facebook.... But this time it was different...
He was laughing like hell.... It took him a while to return to his normal state....
the comment on facebook was given by **********(disclosed identity)..
Our lecturer asked him(DISCLOSED IDENTITY) to write the solution on the whiteboard...
Well, actually, he didn't know the solution and the workings of the question...
He talked to the lecturer for a while AND GUESS WHAT....
The lecturer to do the solution on his paper...
then, he only transferred it to the whiteboard....
Trolling LIKE A BOSS....
This part, I should not elaborate so much...
He did a "STUNT".... tats it!!!
He did moonwalk and then the "STUNT"...
It was a "STUNT"... as he claimed to be.... Juz a "STUNT"... on da floor...